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How to export parts from Netfabb to HP MJF 3D Printer with 3MF tutorial video with no need to save files to desktop, send 3D geometry and print settings directly to the printer.

In this video Brian Jeong of Autodesk demonstrates how to connect Netfabb to a HP Multi Jet Fusion 580 printer to the network, inquire the printer’s IP address using the printers touch screen user interface, and where to enter that IP Address in Autodesk Netfabb to connect the 3D printer to Netfabb to transfer build file via 3MF.

Brian also showcases how to load a part to Netfabb in the machine workspace for the newly connected HP printer, scale the part, place it within the build platform, edit job settings, and send the job to the printer.

3MF is used to send the print file directly to the 3D printer with all geometry and print settings without the need to save the file to the desktop or to a flash drive, reducing file handling and the risk of human error.

No more printing to an intermediate file format, such as STL or OBJ. You can now transfer directly to a 3MF ready-to-print file with Autodesk Netfabb and HP Multi Jet Fusion.