Volumetric Extension
Version 0.8.0
Status Published
This repository contains the Volumetric Extension that extends the 3MF 3D Manufacturing Format Core specification.
This extensions provides additional support for voxel data within 3mf files. This will enable the representation of objects with variable material properties throughout their volume, like opacity, color, strength etc.
See the 3MF examples repository for 3MF volumetric sample files.

This version of the 3MF Volumetric Extension is a pre-release version. Consumers and producers can implement this version and use it, however, future version of this specification, in particular the “Published” version, might not be backwards compatible to this version.
Table of Contents
About this Specification
Document Conventions
Language Notes
Software Conformance
Part I: Volumetric Extension
Chapter 1. Overview of Volumetric Additions
Chapter 2. Functions
Chapter 3. 3D Image
Chapter 4. LevelSet
Chapter 5. Volumetric Data
Chapter 6. Notes
Part II. Implicit Extension
Chatper 1. Overview of Implicit Additions
Chapter 2. DataTypes
Chapter 3. Function Implicit
Chapter 4. Nodes
Chapter 5. Native Nodes
Chapter 6. Implicit Evaluation
Chapter 7. Notes
Part III. Appendices
Appendix A. Glossary
Appendix B. 3MF XSD Schema for the Volumetric and Implicit Extensions
Appendix C. Standard Namespace
Appendix D: Example file
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